A simple solution for green energy storage

Green energy storage is realized in two steps. First, the "stocking" of energy is achieved by producing the new energy carrier, formic acid. The production of formic acid from carbon dioxide and water, with the help of the RRR catalyst, is an endothermic process involving energy investment and "stocking" energy. Formic acid (CH2O2 or HCOOH) is a common, harmless natural liquid found in the environment, making it easy to transport and refuel. Formic acid can be easily transported from the place of production to the place of energy release if the "stocking" and utilization of energy do not occur in the same location. The hydrogen stored in formic acid, produced from carbon dioxide via a photocatalytic route, can be easily released at the place of use. The "unloading" of hydrogen from the energy carrier is achieved in the second step, in an endothermic process with the RRX catalyst at room temperature by heating with waste heat.

How does it work and why is this photocatalytic process cheaper?

During electrolysis, two bonds need to be broken, while in the RK-X process, only one covalent bond needs to be broken. Overall, 33 MWh of energy is required to produce 1 ton of H2, or 33 kWh of energy is needed to produce 1 kg of hydrogen. Thus, a 40% advantage is shown compared to electrolysis technologies. For comparison, 515 MWh of energy is needed to produce 1 ton of hydrogen via electrolysis, or 515 kWh to produce 1 kg of hydrogen. Considering the market progression of the process, the goal in the first phase could be the conversion of 1 million tons of carbon dioxide into approximately 1 million tons of formic acid. Currently, the world's annual formic acid production is 800,000 tons. The indicated theoretical quantity, energized by green electricity, can lay the foundation for the energy storage capacity needed to boost electromobility, creating a carbon-neutral operational model for the affected transport vehicles, which will power millions of electric cars, e-buses, e-planes, and tens of thousands of electric propulsion but formic acid-fueled ships.

Simple green energy storage with RK-X technology

The RK-X system lays the foundation for a forward-looking new type of technological ecosystem. Formic acid is capable of storing hydrogen produced with green technology in a completely green solution.

Solution for reducing CO2 emissions

The advantage of the RK-X process is that a high CO2 emitting plant can be sensibly and economically transformed into a formic acid production plant, with the generated CO2 becoming a raw material in a new value chain and a disruptive energy storage technological system following circular principles. For example, a current power plant that is a significant concentrated carbon dioxide emitter can use the CO2 entirely for formic acid production, thereby reducing atmospheric pollution locally and incorporating carbon dioxide as a technological raw material into an energy storage system.

RK-X technology converts HCOOH back into electricity with high efficiency.

Key innovations that change the world.


The catalyst

Unique catalyst

The catalyst

The production of formic acid from carbon dioxide and water, with the help of the RRR catalyst, is an endothermic process involving energy investment and "stocking" energy.

Artificial photosynthesis

Artificial photosynthesis

The RK-X technology is inspired by the miracle of nature, photosynthesis. During the process, organic matter is formed from water with the addition of carbon dioxide via a photocatalytic process, in which energy is stored.

Organic battery

Energy stored in liquid

Organic battery

The hydrogen stored in formic acid, produced from carbon dioxide via a photocatalytic route, can be easily released at the place of use.

Endothermic process

Endothermic process

During the RK-X technology process, formic acid is produced from carbon dioxide and water, and the energy required for the reaction is 100% recoverable. The process occurs at room temperature.