Formic acid is the fuel of the future: Why is HCOOH more beneficial than batteries?
Formic acid-based electric cars can represent a real alternative in the future of transport. Batteries, especially in electric cars, are already widespread, but their disadvantages
Smart Grid
The SmartGrid system is the 21st-century power system, addressing the urgent need to combat environmental degradation. It integrates electricity production, distribution systems, a
Sustainable Agriculture
Az energiatermelés és az élelmiszer termelés egymással versenyez a termőföldért. Mivel az E5 és E10 üzemanyagok bekevert bioetanolt és biodízelt tartalmaznak az E(szám
Sustainable Cities
In parallel with how digital technology spread worldwide in the early 2010s, the concept and concept of “Smart City” became the focus of attention and became increasing
Carbon Dioxide vs. Renewable Energy
The world is dealing with the climate crisis, carbon-free energy production, and its implementation with truly functional systems, identified as the most urgent and threatening pro
Sustainable Transportation
How to Create Energy-Producing and Mobility Communities with New Organizations? How can we establish energy-producing and mobility communities where energy poverty and pollution em
Formic Acid: The True Green Energy Storage Solution
Why formic acid? Why is formic acid the winning solution? What makes this RK-X technology so promising? IOI Investment Zrt. has developed a disruptive innovation that converts carb